I went on a run yesterday, the longest one to date, on my 8 week mission to a marathon and thought I would display the sheer agony of parts of the run via photo (was a bit tricky!)
Getting my game face on....
16 miles requires a few essentials...
The first hill (Matthew Bank)...
Nice long stretch along Great North Road...
Running with the cows in town moor...
Down into the city centre....
I made a friend on the tyne bridge...
Into Sandyford...
Snack time at the top of Shields Road...
Hills, hills and more hills...
Escaping down into the Dene for a while...
The hill of death out of the Dene (pictures don't do this beast justice)...
Through to Gosforth High Street, only a few miles to go!
Got a bit lost and ended up coming out from here...
Less than a mile to go...
Homeward bound....
Finished thanks to these little champs!
loved this blog post liz :)