Sunday, 22 May 2011

No Sugar Experiment Results…

Alas the moment is here when I can tell you all the fabulous results of my experiment! For all those skeptics that thought it was “dangerous” please can I reiterate that the experiment did not cut out all sugar such as carbohydrates, merely refined sugars and sweeteners that have been added. I have included my beginning stats again as a point of reference:

Starting Statistics
Gender: Female (obviously)
Age: 21
Height: 5ft 6 inches
Weight:  63.6 KG   (10 stone 0.2 lbs)
Total Body Fat Percentage: 24.9% (Female professional athletes have body fat levels of 14-20%)
Fat Mass: 2 stone 7 lbs
Muscle Mass: 7 stone 1.8 lbs
Hydration: 53.1%
Bone Mass: 5.4 lbs
Metabolic Age: 17
Visceral Fat Rating: 1 (this is the fat surrounding your internal organs and is rated on a scale of 1-12 so I have virtually none!)
BMI: 22.6 (this will be slightly higher as I have a quite a high muscle mass)
Ideal body weight: 9 stone 10.4 lbs (if I were to reach this weight I would have a body fat percentage of about 21%)

 Here are the final bad boys:

End Statistics
Gender: Female (obviously)
Age: 21
Height: 5ft 6 inches
Weight:  62.2 KG   (9 stone 11.2 lbs)
Total Body Fat Percentage: 23% (Female professional athletes have body fat levels of 14-20%)
Fat Mass: 2 stone 2 lbs
Muscle Mass: 7 stone 2.4 lbs
Hydration: 57.3 %
Bone Mass: 5.2 lbs
Metabolic Age: 13
Visceral Fat Rating: 1 (this is the fat surrounding your internal organs and is rated on a scale of 1-12 so I have virtually none!)
BMI: 22.1 (this will be slightly higher as I have a quite a high muscle mass)
Ideal body weight: 9 stone 10.4 lbs (if I were to reach this weight I would have a body fat percentage of about 21%)

Ladies you will also love that I’ve dropped virtually a dress size, going from a 10-12 in jeans to a 10 being slightly big, and a size 8 on top to a 6.

Sports Performance Stats Before:
3 mile (5 km) run time: 23 minutes 34 seconds (just under an 8 minute mile pace)

Sports Performance Stats After:
3 mile (5 km) run time: 21 minutes 37 seconds (ever so slightly over a 7 minute mile)

First of all I think this deserves a BOOM! I didn’t expect the stats to be as good as they are. The main thing to emphasise is that at no point have I cut calories. This experiment wasn’t to lose weight it was merely to see what effect cutting out sugar would have on my body. Every day I met (if not exceeded) my calorie requirement for that day based on my activity levels. I never consumed under what I should, which would have resulted in a deficit. The results are purely through cutting out refined sugar.

Helen Buchan a  nutritionist based in Gosforth, whom I consulted with at the beginning of the experiment made a fantastic point about why my statistics were fantastic, but over 6-7 months could be incredible. She spoke about how the results will have improved as I was cutting out something that interfered with performance and the efficiency at which my body worked. The point made that really caught my attention was that despite seeing good results my body is potentially holding on to wastage. Why???? Because our bodies are taking in so much hidden refined sugars that they recognise it as a food group in itself and potentially become dependent on it. Once its cut out, the body sees this as cutting out a whole food group and holds on to weight and fat just in case; however over time once the body begins to function efficiently, realises that the refined sugar has been replaced by other food groups and will stop doing this.

To begin with it was hard. I felt like I had withdrawal symptoms and it was a toughie. However as the three weeks went on I realised that what I originally thought were physical withdrawal symptoms, weren’t. A lot of what I experienced over the 3 weeks was very much behavioural, and bad habits. The odd biscuit here, a snack that had a bit more sugar than I thought there.

As the experiment progressed I became a lot more in tune with what my body needed me to put in it, to fuel my days. Without the refined sugar in my blood stream resulting in highs and lows in the late mornings and afternoons, I was able to identify what was missing (essentially a mini meal), and what my body was really craving (it certainly wasn’t sugar!). In fact what I learnt about myself over the few weeks was firstly, that I wasn’t drinking enough water, and often times when I would reach for the occasional treat was when I was actually dehydrated and went for a sweet treat to perk me up. As we know biscuits certainly aren’t water so no beneficial effect would have been had! The second thing I realised was that my body was literally craving protein. I wasn’t consuming anywhere near enough (something I find with clients and should have known about myself but hey we can’t be perfect). I upped my protein intake at those points in the day when I may have reached for something quick and sugary or possibly a diet drink, and what a difference it made!

I think the overall result of the experiment isn’t my statistics; it’s my behavioural approach to my nutrition and my body. I look and feel incredible. I’m faster and more energetic than I ever have been in my life, and I thought I felt pretty good before I started it too! Now I wake up in the morning and I’m raring to go (once I get over my initial grumpy stage). Ironically my metabolic age is probably better now than it was when I was actually 13.

Will I go back to the way I was….will I chuff, I’d have to be a moron to do that! I feel fabulous, look fabulous and am performing at an excellent level, why would I want to go back in the opposite direction!?!?!?! From time to time I may have the odd alcoholic tipple (I’m only human), but sugar wise with food, I’m staying away!

So if you’re thinking about making a big change I recommend you do so (seek medical advice first to check you are ok to make such a drastic change).

If you would like extra advice please don’t hesitate to contact myself. Furthermore if you would like nutritional advice at a higher level, I recommend Helen Buchan highly.

Contact myself on: 07508222382 to book a free consultation and get moving towards a healthier lifestyle.

Contact Helen Buchan on: 07711 497243 or 0191 285 7326
Helens Webpage:

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